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Have a osC2.3.3.4 boostrap version with some addons, move to the other server, phpMyAdmin and sql version stay the same. Change the configure.php both in catalog and admin. When access the front end it is blank page, however the admin can be login and works properly.


The front end, if type the file name, such as product_new.php or order.php, it can show up with right page, only has problem with index.php and when click on cataloges/products index.php?cPath=1 it show up blank.


Tried put the code on .htaccess, and it will make the page 500 Internal error, Check the cPanel error log, nothing if did not modified the .htaccess.

php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting


Also had checked the folder access permission and make sure all set less then 755.


Can someone please help to point out what to check to resolve this problem.






mainwebsite.com/  ---> working (osC

mainwebsite.com/osC2.3.3.4-cart 1/ ----> working (osC

mainwebsite.com/osC2.3.3.4-cart 2/ ----> working (osC

mainwebsite.com/osC2.3.3.4-cart 3/ ----> Front page index.php and anything related to categories and products, not working (osC Boostrap), just front end, the admin site works perfect!

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php_flag and php_value will cause a 500 error on most servers. Those settings should go in a php.ini file (or equivalent). If you are used to using those commands in .htaccess, that tells me your old server was very, very old. In that case, other settings and commands may have to be changed, too.

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HI Lyn,


PHP sites showing up blank pages typically indicate a problem / error which has prevented the parser to work and display the content. To t/shoot the issue, you would have to use "divide and conquer approach". Assuming you are comfortable with editing the file in a notepad, suggest following


1. Take a copy of index.php (from the root folder) and save it => Always take backup of any file you modify

2. Either delete all content from index.php (we have a backup right, as mentioned in step #1 !!!) or comment all the code.

3. Start with a debugging printf command to ensure your server is picking up index.php (<?php printf("Hello World... index.php is working till this place... ") ?>

4. Start uncommenting sections of original index.php (or adding the content back in case you chose to delete the content). You have to be careful to ensure you select a complete section of code and not partial lines in this process, for example you have to account for open / close PHP tags... As you uncomment, you may keep moving the printf command down // add more commands to see that the code lines are being executed on the server..

5. Keep adding the content / uncommenting until you replicate the issue - blank page.. the last bit of code added / uncommented is most likely the cause for error and thus you have to dive further to check what / where does the processor get stuck.

6. Once you have isolated the cause and fixed it, you may restore original index.php or remove all printf commands you may have added for t/shooting the issue.


It will take a while but with a linear and logical approach, you should be able to identify the cause.. and once we determine the cause, fix should normally be very easy!


Index.php pulls information (using require tag) from other files and thus the problem could actually be in one of the includes and not within index.php... however we have to narrow done to the exact file / line that is causing the error. You may also look for  any changes made to Languages or other DEFINE files... addition / deletion of a simple thing such as apostrophe ' could lead to errors and result in giving a blank page..


Good luck!

Best Regards,

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