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The e-commerce.

Update not performed


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I prepare a script which update the field "stock" in the database of my online shop. When I run it ther's no No errors who appears ! However no change occurs at the database So what can be the problem ! It can't access to the database because of it's name ?

Any idea? Here is the code below :

/*---------------------CONNEXION MYSQL----------------------*/


$link = mysql_connect($servername, $database_username, $database_password, $database_name);
//$link = mysql_connect('mysql5-6.240', 'vintagemvm75', 'pu1df4mu', 'vintagemvm75');
if (!$link) {
    die('Connexion impossible : ' . mysql_error());
echo 'Connecté correctement';

//$link = mysql_connect($servername,$database_username,$database_password) or die("Erreur de connexion au serveur"); //mysql_connect
//mysql_select_db($link, $database_name) or die("Erreur de connexion à la BDD"); //old: mysql_select_db

/*---------------------FIN CONNEXION MYSQL----------------------*/

/*---------------------RÉCUPÉRATION DU FICHIER STOCK et INITIALISATION----------------------*/

$fichier = file("../batch/export_solsys.csv");
$fp = fopen("../batch/export_solsys.csv","r");

$upc= "";
$ligne = 1; 

/*---------------------FIN RÉCUP----------------------*/

echo("Parcours du fichier...")."<br/>";
/*---------------------MISE A JOUR DU STOCK----------------------*/
            $champs = count($tab);//nombre de champs dans la ligne en question 
   $upc = $tab[0];
$stock = $tab[7];

echo("upc: ").$upc."<br/>";
echo("stock: ").$stock."<br/>";

$batch = "SELECT stock FROM declinaison_stock_produit where upc = '56939'";
$requete = mysql_query($batch, $link);
$batch1 ="UPDATE declinaison_stock_produit SET stock = '4' where upc = '56939'";
$requete1 = mysql_query($batch1, $link); 

echo("Stock mis à jour  ");
             echo("Fin de l'éxécution du batch");


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I found it ! I added this to my code so it could select the database after the access 


$db_selected = mysql_select_db('vintagemvm75', $link);
if (!$db_selected) {
   die ('Impossible de sélectionner la base de données : ' . mysql_error());
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