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The e-commerce.

All my prices are 0


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Just installed osCommerce. Configured everything (including price) and all works fine, except price in product list is is displayed as 0. Checked everything 5 times. What could I have done wrong?


Could it be related to this? - when I installed, the code did not run. I had about 5 instances of "&$groups" in the code. I just took the & out as I'm not sure what it means. Running php 4.3.9

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If you have modified the files by taking out some code.. first suggestion is to replace modified files with original and identify the issue further...




Best Regards,

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Why are you trying to run on PHP 4? It's very old and insecure. No modern hosting service would dare run anything that old.


The & in front of a variable indicates that the variable is passed by reference. This is interpreted differently in PHP 4 than it is in PHP 5, so osCommerce may be failing because of this change. You can try to debug this, but it would be a lot easier to upgrade your PHP.




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