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Customer Data Import via myphpadmin


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I have a document in .xls format (which can be saved as a .csv file) which contains about 800 entries for customer's data, how do I import all of this info onto my oscommerce website? I am assuming via myphpadmin, I have been trying various times but no success, can someone help me and tell me how to do this? I am more than sure it's a very simple process, thanks!

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It will be diffficult to import that in phpmyadmin because there are some important relations between tables.

You can try to install easypopulate, maybe it do that (I don't remember).


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I already have easypopulate installed and have already utilized it to import all of my products but easypopulate has no option to import customers which is all i have left to do on this project

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I have looked the add on, I don't see a contribution to do that, it must be created.


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Do an export of the table from phpMyAdmin, in the format that you want csv, SQL etc. Then build a new file with your 800 entries included, and import it directly with phpMyAdmin. Backup before you make any changes.

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Figured it out! So basically you need to export the following three tables, save as .csv:






Once imported copy and paste the customer data accrodingly (customer name, address, etc), from your original xls file(s), onto the .csv file from your myphpadmin export, save the three files as .csv files then import all three files onto each pertaining table and voila! Just posting this so that someone can benefit from it, happy to go into the details so simply reply to this post if anyone needs help on this! Cheers!

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Yes, that can be done if you are careful to take unused ID numbers (auto-increment fields), and make sure you cross reference ID data (the foreign keys) correctly between the three tables. I presume that what you imported was just the fresh data and not the pre-existing data (you would have to clear it out first, by truncating (emptying) the tables). Finally, if you used any fresh ID numbers, make a test new customer to make sure that they get a unique number and don't re-use one of the IDs (auto-increment fields) that you just imported. I'm not sure if you have to manually reset the auto-increment value, or MySQL will realize that it has to get a higher value ID than it otherwise was going to do. So, it's not simple, but it is possible.

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Points very well taken, i did not mention that this works very smoothly if you have no existing customers in the three tables (as this was the case for me) i only had my own name and personal info and i was the only registered user, so when i imported the three tables i used my personal data as a template for each of the 800+ customers' data i needed to migrate over onto the three tables. As for the customer IDs, each customer i had to migrate already had a customer id uniquely assigned to them (from the xls provided by my client) so that helped out a whole lot too. Thanks to all that replied to this thread!

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