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Cache on - loose also purchased products


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Hi all


When I turn the Cache to True, I loose the Also Purchased Products code from the products page.



Cache is set correctly, folder is created and path are correct with a / on the end.  Folder permissions are set to 755.

The cache files are being written as I browse the site.  So to all intents and purposes the cache is working correctly.



All products without Also Purchased products are displaying properly (page product_info.php)  BUT, I go to a product that has also purchased products associated with it and when the cache is turned on I loose this code (basically the also_purchase_products module stops working) so page code stops a point also purchased would start, also loosing any code after it. 


I have tried replacing also_purchase_products.php module with one that doesn't have this problem on another site.  Also product_info with one from a site that doesn't have this problem. 


It makes no difference -  still get also purchased code missing when cache is set to true. 


So, the problem does not seem to lie with either the page:



or with the module itself



Maybe with something they are calling from elsewhere??


Any ideas where else I can look for what could be causing this? 



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Hi Ros,


try to output the real error message from error logs. I think something broken in the code and cause stop working.

this cod would help:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

put into apllication_top.php

osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
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Thanks Gergely, that was really helpful. 


What it did highlight was an error in the Template Monster coding in also_purchased_products.php.  A search of the forums have found people using the same Template Monster templates have encountered this error on their template also - but found no fix. 


They had coded something incorrectly where they bring in the price.  I'm trying to figure out how to correct it and keep their styling and comparing it to a clean install of also_purchased_products which will take a bit of time - but for now and a quick fix have simply taken out where the price is called.

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