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The e-commerce.

Is there a bartering policy?

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That would be classed as a Commercial Service, which can be performed by;


  • Green Community Sponsors (as of this date)
  • Orange Partners
  • Blue Teamsters


Anyone offering any type of Commercial Service (even if that service is at no-cost) who is not in one of the above groups may be removed from the Forum per the present forum rules.

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Just to be clear ... What exactly are "Commercial Services", and especially "no-cost Commercial Services"?


Because, this *could* be interpreted as *any* help, answers, feedback, and support offered through the forum is a no-cost service, right?



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Yeah, I have some creative work, and I was hoping to tap in to users in this community, as I see that the partners here are mostly for technical service. I knew users here are probably not allowed to offer paid work unless they have those color titles...so I was hoping for barter as an alternative...back to posting on Elance (which I hate) and Craigslist...

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That would be classed as a Commercial Service, which can be performed by;


  • Green Community Sponsors (as of this date)
  • Orange Partners
  • Blue Teamsters


Anyone offering any type of Commercial Service (even if that service is at no-cost) who is not in one of the above groups may be removed from the Forum per the present forum rules.


Totally disagree. Free help and swapping of knowledge and services should be allowed between members, thats what the forum is for.


Its just as bad as those that ask for help in developing code for oscommerce by offering the code free to testers, then release the addon as a paid module. That should also be stopped then.


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Stop trolling.


You all know very well that there are members here who offer COMMERCIAL services without giving anything back, these members need to join one (or more) of the above three groups in order to offer Commercial Services.


General help/advice between forum members is fine and dandy, as is off forum activities, where anyone can obviously do as they wish.


More Edit:


Why should a good and well known developer pay XXX Euros per month, then see other developers who pay nothing circle like vultures over unsuspecting forum members.  By using a "colour" dev you at least have the ability to provide feedback publicly at this forum, and have the knowledge that he/she does indeed "know" osCommerce and that he/she supports osCommerce (the entity behind the software).

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And ... locked temporarily to allow people to read what has been said.

This is about COMMERCIAL providers who use the forum to get clients, not about peer to peer help/advice.



Free help and swapping of knowledge and services should be allowed between members, thats what the forum is for.


General help/advice between forum members is fine and dandy



Not a lot of difference, I'd suggest.

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