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installing oscommerce with wamp..!


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Hello everyone ,

I tried to install my site oscommerce with wamp to test in order to migrate to PHP 5.5 before doing directly into production and many errors appear !  This is a screenshot that explains the errors !!
Do you have any idea ?

Thank you ! 


( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in C:\wamp\www\vintage\www\index.php on line 1


( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_USER_AGENT in C:\wamp\www\vintage\www\index.php on line 16


( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: REQUEST_URI in C:\wamp\www\vintage\www\includes\application_top.php on line 15



( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_USER_AGENT in C:\wamp\www\vintage\www\includes\application_top.php on line 16



FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!



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Is this a very old version of osC? You should be thinking about using/migrating to 2.3.4 if you're going to be using PHP 5.5. If it's complaining about register global variables being off, you may have a very old osC. Also, if you already have your production server at PHP 5.5, you would be much better off installing osC in a test private directory, than trying to set up WAMPP. You will probably spend as much time cleaning up differences between your production server configuration and your WAMPP installation as you save by using WAMPP in the first place.


If this is a new pre-packaged shop or template, what osC version is it based on? You shouldn't be on anything less than 2.3.4.

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Without more information about the old osC, and where you want to go with the new installation, I can't give more than general suggestions.


It would be far less effort to migrate your data (database, images) to a fresh install of osC 2.3.4 (or 2.3.4 Bootstrap) than to try to patch up a very old version of osC (especially an antique from the 2.2 era) to get it to work with PHP 5.5. Is this a working shop, or a fresh install? Don't use a pre-packaged "template" install if the osC code underlying it is old -- either find something fresher (at least 2.3.3) or just go with 2.3.4. If this is a working shop, is the host still at a back-level of PHP, but will be upgrading to 5.5 soon? osC 2.3.4 can run on older PHP 5.x, but I don't know how far back it can go (probably not PHP 4.x). So, you may be justified in setting up a WAMPP system to play on until your host upgrades (at which time your old store may stop). Just be aware that there will be some configuration differences between your PC/WAMPP and a production server, so you will have to do some tweaking once you install your new shop.


If you are trying to migrate an old store's data, it depends on what you are starting with. There is an add-on somewhere in the library to help you migrate the database from 2.2 MS2 all the way up to 2.3.something. If your starting point is earlier than 2.2 MS2, you'll have to first manually update the database (using phpMyAdmin or the equivalent) to bring the database schema up to 2.2 MS2. Then, you will need to apply step-by-step upgrades for each newer version until you're at 2.3.4's schema. Of course, you can always compare the old and new schemas and manually edit the old database until it matches the new. The other data is your product image set, which can be transferred via normal FTP. If you don't have that many products, and not too many active customers on the old store, it might be easier to start afresh and enter each product anew and require customers to create new accounts. If you get swamped trying to migrate the data, that is something you could fall back on.


The hardest thing is if your old store has a lot of customization, either add-ons or code edits, and you want to try to duplicate that look and feel. Don't get hung up on having to make the new store look just like the old: a periodic refresh is good for a store. The newest osC has a lot of stuff built in that used to require separate add-ons. so don't panic if you don't see an add-on for something you've been using. Changes in layout and appearance are now mainly handled through CSS tweaks rather than PHP code edits, so tuning the appearance should be easier now. Functionality add-ons not (yet) built into osC 2.3.4 will have to be handled on a case by case basis -- see if the add-on is available for (compatible with) 2.3.4, which may mean actually trying to install it (as instructions may not have been updated).


If your old store is well ranked in search engines, you may need to look at what is needed in SEO to retain your store's ranking. If there was no SEO before, it may still be worthwhile to add one of the SEO add-ons, for better results going forward.

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Hi ,


I'm really very confused.I tried to collect some informations about the website :


The version of the Oscommerce is 

define('PROJECT_VERSION', '[CRE Loaded6 v4 Fr Sp1.4]


et les informations sur le serveur 



Serveur HTTP : Apache

Version PHP : 4.4.9 (Zend : 1.3.0)

 Hôte de la base de données :mysql5-6 (

Système d'exploitation :Linux 3.14.33-grsec-hosting-web-3.14     

Base de données :MySQL 5.1.73-2+squeeze+build1+1-lo


So Can you just give me a starting point so I can migrate to the newest version of php !!


Thank you a lot for your time I'm so gratful 


Best regards,

chaima ABDOULI

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Ah, you are running CREloaded. That is not supported osCommerce, but an old "fork" of the product. If you want to stay with CREloaded, you will have to get support from them. If you want to change over to osCommerce, I don't know if there are any tools to transfer your database. If not, you will either have to reformat your database manually, after comparing the CREloaded and osCommerce schemas, or start over from scratch (re-enter products, have customers set up new accounts).

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