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The e-commerce.

Hard to process orders

Gary Tayman

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I'm running into a problem that's getting increasingly difficult.


I get an e-mail that says somebody sent me money in Paypal.  Gee, must be an order!  So I log into OSCOMMERCE, and on the Admin page, near top left, is a list of orders -- with a new one showing "pending."  With me so far?  I click on it, print that page, and take care of the fellow's order.


Another order and another.  Now this Orders window has filled up, and for some reason they're not in order; they're random, with no way to scroll up or down.  Once delivered, they don't drop off the page.  So my NEWEST order is off the page and cannot be viewed!  The only solution I can find is to log out, log back in, and hope this list has been rearranged such that I can see the pending order!


Uh, what am I doing wrong here?  Unless fixed, it's only going to get worse as more orders come in.


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Could not be any more straightforward.

Have you not explored your admin area ?


The dashboard shows only the latest few orders sorted by the date the order was made (or updated by you).

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