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Quick fix for those 2.2 stores that work in PHP 5.3 but not PHP 5.4


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For those who need a quick fix if there host upgrades to PHP 5.4 without notice, this fix get store working under PHP 5.4. Eventually you need these replacing across the site. But seems to work for now, hopefully of use to someone as a stopgap.



Then came stuck in PHP 5.4, but found this fix on a site on the web



Create a php5fix.php with



// PHP5 Fix by Steve Kamerman, http://www.teratechnologies.net/stevekamerman


$phpversion = explode('.', phpversion());

if((int) $phpversion[0] >= 5){

// PHP 5 has no idea what this crap is












Place file in includes folder of catalog and admin


Then ref to it in application top as (i placed mine on line 33 after code block // include server parameters)



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If you are behind the times enough to be still running a very old (e.g., 2.2 MS2) version of osC, you may indeed need to add this code. However, the later 2.2 (RC2, etc.) versions already have code like that to take care of the earlier PHP 5 versions. Note that even with these "fixes", there are other things that will break in osC's code with more recent PHP 5 versions. The only real solution is to migrate your data to the current osC version (2.3.4 or Bootstrap).

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