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The e-commerce.

Price is 0 in basket or product view


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Just installed OSCommerce,

I tend to use it for selling my own handmade jewellery.

I have added a few simple entries but the price - although correct in the admin product edit page, appears as zero in the product view and the shopping basket.

I have a 'zero' tax rate and a 5% tax rate, but although the correct gross price is calculated, the viewed price is still zero. It seems as though the SQL query is not picking up the correct field.

I have not edited the htm source or product code, it is a vanilla installation. All I did was delete the various demo products and entered my own product options, values and attributes.


If anyone knows a solution to this, I would really appreciate it.


The link to the shop is http://alpha1.synology.me/oscommerce/catalog/ (hopefully)


And an image of a product admin page is attached.post-337008-0-18517500-1438272977_thumb.jpg

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Could it be that you changed the currency under admin>localization>currencies just now? 


If so, try with an other browser, you probably have the old (removed) currency in the session still


Make sure you have at least 1 currency set and that there is a "default currency"

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