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Basic installation question: call to undefined function mysql_connect() in database.php


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Dear Members,

Hope you could give me some basic guidance.

I just finished installation of PHP5.3 and MySQL5.1 in my Windows Server with IIS6, they work fine now.

Then I start installation of osCommerce v2.3.4. I've copied the catalog and docs folders to the public HTML folder for my domain, also changed those two configure.php to full control for everyone. Then I type in my browser, it turns out a PHP error as this:


PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in

E: \XXX\catalog\includes\functions\database.php on line 168


Then I opened the database.php in an editor and found out line 168 is:

 $link = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);


My question is: is it asking me for database's name, username and password?

Isn't it in the next step on the Welcome page of OsCommerce to input these three parameters?


I am still stuck in the pre-installaion step, as this: http://library.oscommerce.com/Online&en&oscom_2_3&getting_started&pre_installation

not yet get to the "new Installation" page to input database's user name and password.


Have I missed something not yet done for the pre-installation?

Thank you very much for your comments and help!







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It looks like your copy of PHP does not have the MySQL support compiled in. Those functions are required for osCommerce to operate. Look at the checks on the first page of the osC installation and confirm that your installation has all of the required software.


PHP 5.3 is now obsolete and unsupported. I recommend that you use a supported version; preferably 5.6.




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Dear Jim,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I then check my PHP version, it's 5.4.43, sorry not 5.3, but not yet upgraded to 5.6. I just worry v5.6 may need 64bit software and machine? My server is a 32bit HP server.

Then I open an phpinfo.php file, it shows it supports MySQL in the mysqlnd column like this:

Version: mysqlnd 5.0.10

Compression: supported

SSL: supported


Loaded plugins: ....

API Extensions: no value


Have I missed something? How can I link OsCommerce to MySQL? do I have to do it mannually?


Thanks a lot for your comments!



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Thanks a lot Jim,

I go to C:\Windows\php.ini, removed the semicolon before the "extension=php_mysql.dll" as well as before the "extension=php_mysqli.dll", then it solved!

Sorry I think I didn't complete the configuration for PHP to use MySQL.


Now I got a new error which is like this:

PHP Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' (using password: NO) in:

E: \xxx\catalog\includes\functions\database.php on line 20

which is:

 $$link = mysqli_connect($server, $username, $password, $database);


I think mysqli is just for MySQL version 5.5 or later, I just use MySQL5.0, not sure what to do.

But anyway, I am looking into configuration of PHP for using MySQL under IIS6, before attempting OsCommerce again later today.


Thanks indeed again!


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That probably means that you got the permissions set up wrong on your MySQL user. I'm not sure; the Windows version is different in some ways and I seldom use it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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