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How to ensure sales tax is ONLY being charged to one state?


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I'm in California, and use v2.3.4.


I have been using osCommerce for some time, but a month ago I accidentally uninstalled my entire shopping site and had to start fresh.


Everything is fine, but I can't remember how I configured the sales tax as now, ALL my customers from out of state are being charge sales tax, and I only want those from CA to be charged sales tax.


Any help on what I need to be doing? And if I'm configuring the Locations/Taxes module incorrectly? Thanks. I really need help with this as I do not need my out of state customers to be charge the California sales tax.



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Go to Tax Zones click on "insert" and create a Tax Zone Named "California".



Still on the same page (this is the part where many people miss top set up)

Most people just add a new zone but easily miss the "Details" button on the right

Click on the "Details" button. Now you should see an empty page.

Click on the "insert" button.

Choose "United States" as country and "California" as zone.




I presume that you already have a tax class setup right?

If not do this by clicking on the "+ New Tax Class" button on the Tax Classes page.

Name it whatever you like.



Then go to Tax Rates and click the "New Tax Rate" button.

Tax Class Title: *should be already pre-selected if you have only one*

Zone: *should be already pre-selected as California if you have only one*

Set your tax rate in %.



Not really sure but you might have to setup another Tax Zone for all the other states. Just don't assign any tax rate to it.

So you should have Tax Zones:

- California

- Other States

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Perfect. Thank you so much @@Tsimi! I had set up the CA tax zone, but apparently on the new set up I did not fill in the details for California. I inserted the country/zone as indicated. Hopefully this will do the trick. Thanks for taking the time to help out! MUCH appreciated.

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  • 10 months later...

Thanks, I did this too for Colorado in v2.3.4 and it worked, I didn't have to set up zones for all the other states.

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