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Upgrade to PHP 5.4 for OSC 2.2


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Has anyone seen a good post or contribution to upgrade to PHP 5.4? I see $ HTTP_POST_VARS and _mysql seem to be deprecated amongst other.


Any good guides/posts/pdfs on what needs upgrading?

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osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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The very first thing to do is determine if there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that you can upgrade to 2.3.4. This would involve installing a fresh 2.3.4 (or Bootstrap community version) and migrating your database over. Once you have made a test installation, and it's working, you can look around for add-ons and custom work needed to restore any lost functionality from your 2.2 store.


Trying to patch osC 2.2 to keep up with PHP versions is usually false economy. You will spend far more time dealing with problems, and the insecure code, and the old-fashioned look and feel; than if you just go to a modern store. At the very least, make a private test installation of 2.3.4, copy over the existing database and migrate it to 2.3.4, and see what you need to do. From your questions, I can see that you know very little about osC or PHP (e.g., $HTTP_POST_VARS is just a copy of $_POST), so I think your time would be better spent working with a current version of osC.

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