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can't link to catalog/index.php/


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I have a button on 4 pages that are supposed to take me to the catalog. These have been working fine, but now when I click the link I get the following in the address bar:

"my domain etc//catalog/index.php/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/install/index.php"

anyone have any idea what's happened and how to fix it? the link address in all cases is as its always been -no changes there.  <a href="/catalog/index.php/">

Many thanks



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Start by taking the trailing / off the URL, and see if that helps. It should be /catalog/index.php . Maybe something on your server (SEO URL rewrite?) is getting confused by the extra /.

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Thanks MrPhil, did that and ended up at catalog/install/index.php.  Tried to get into admin by adding it after catalog/ but was told 'couldn't connect to database'' As there's very little work involved to getting back to where I was, maybe a fresh install is the way to go.

Many thanks

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Your link was supposed to be to /catalog/index.php, but you ended up in /catalog/install/index.php? Something's not right there. If you went through the proper install at some point, you will be able to (and should) erase the install directory. Did you do something in the .htaccess to rewrite your URI to the install directory? I thought that it should be invoked manually (and after installation completes, removed). Maybe a clean re-install would be in order, but are you going to lose any existing data (customers, products, sales records)? You may want to consider saving your database and reusing it after the reinstall.

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Thanks again, MrPhil.

No, I haven't touched .htaccess. I'm not familiar with oscommerce so I'm really blundering around here. I think I;ll do what you suggest. Back up the DataBase and then reinstall. Should I use Softaculous? Did it manually last time. And no, I'm just setting up this shop at the moment and the only entries I've made are about 20 mins. work.

Thanks very much for your help.


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After placing the files and creating the database, did you ever run the install process? It's detailed in the Documentation section of this website. It should be basically /catalog to run it. Did it appear to go through the install process? You would need to leave the configure.php files as read-write for this stage. Was the database populated with the sample merchandise? Maybe your "manual" install overlooked something, although usually that's better than an automated install like Softaculous.

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The install I did seemed to go perfectly. I have had the  'Store' up and running, made a few trial entries - added some currencies, a couple of products etc……really just to try out before I went any further. All worked just fine including links from the website. In  fact I felt quite pleased with myself as its the first time I've done this. It seems likely that what ever went wrong was caused by me (my wife says everything that goes wrong is caused by me) but I can't think what. 

One thing I hadn't done yet was to delete the install dir.. forgot about that. But all had been working regardless.

I'm not capable of working backwards on this so I'll put it down to 'experience', back-up site and database and start over (manually). Will be couple of days before I can get onto it so if you come up ideas please post ….. 

Many thanks MrPhil,


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