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The e-commerce.

Best SEO to use


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Dear friends...


I'm implementing a completly new store using osCommerce 2.3.4...


i saw allot of diferrent SEO add-ons, and now i have some doubts about wich add-on i must choose to implement...


Witch onw i shoul use???? And why???


Ultimate SEO URLs

SEO Pro 5




What is the best choice???




I appretiate one reply to my question 


Best Regards


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I'm implementing a completly new store using osCommerce 2.3.4...


i saw allot of diferrent SEO add-ons, and now i have some doubts about wich add-on i must choose to implement...


Witch onw i shoul use???? And why???


Ultimate SEO URLs

SEO Pro 5




What is the best choice???


Those aren't really SEO addons. They rewrite the url's and provide some SEO improvement but it is not what it used to be. if you want your url's rewritten to human-readable, which I think is better for your visitors, then you should install one of them. Ultimate SEO is the only one actively supported. SEO 5 has some issues that probably won't be fixed. If you consider using it, check its support thread first to see the type of response to problems there is. SEO G shouldn't be used in my opinion. It was always limited and had a few problems and, it too, is no longer supported.


For SEO addons, the main one you want is one for handling meta tags. There is some built-in functionality but it is limited. I suggest Header Tags SEO but there is the similar, though not related nor as powerful, Header Tags SEO Reloaded. There are others but none provide much SEO, in my opinion. Also see my about page for other SEO-type addons.

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