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Admin side works, website does not load


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We have been running v2.2 RC2 for the past several years without any problems even after heavy mods. Yesterday, I got an email from google that their bot cannot access the website. I check it out and the site kicks out a 500 internal server error. The admin site works fine, though. Checked ALL .htaccess files, used Winmerge to check the ENTIRE site and did not find any discrepancies. I even reloaded the site under a different directory and got the same result. Admin works, the site does not. ANY suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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You are running an older oscommerce version that is going to have issues now as things change. I would guess that your hosting company has upgraded their PHP version on their server perhaps is what is causing your 500 error. Do a google search for the following terms and see all the posts regarding the issue:  "oscommerce php update 500 error"


I would highly recommend to redo your website in the newest 2.3.4 BS version with necessary addons and then transfer your database over to it after updating that to the correct version. 



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Yeah, I was expecting that and we are working on an upgrade. But would it not affect both the admin and the front end? We have another site running the same version with the same hosting company and so far, no problems....

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Ask your host if you can fall back to the version of PHP that you were running before. This would give you some breathing room to get a more modern version of osCommerce up and running.




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There are lots of things that can trigger a 500 (Internal Server) error, but if you have been successfully running an old installation for a long time and your host may have recently updated the server and/or PHP, there's some low-hanging fruit to go after first. Do you have separate .htaccess files for the catalog (public) and admin sides? Perhaps something there is triggering the error. If you still have php_value and php_flag commands in your .htaccess, they're obsolete and will trigger the error on modern systems. You will have to transfer the settings to a php.ini file. Also, many hosts now disallow the options command as a security risk. If you have something like options -indexes, you will have to use another method of keeping visitors from browsing your directories. If you manually added a password protection scheme rather than using your host's built-in password protected directory, that might no longer work (although that would knock out the admin side rather than the public side).


Even if you can patch up your current system (or roll back the PHP level) to get running again, you'd better start working on upgrading to a current (osC 2.3.4 or 2.3.4BS) system, before something else breaks.

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Yeah, youz are right. Out with the old and in with the new. Just wished for a little smoother transition. We did plan on upgrading next year to coincide with our ERP change over. I appreciate the input from you all, installing the bootstrap version on one site and an original 2.3.4 on the other. Gotta brush up on this grid style system, I am still living in STS land.



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