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PayPal issue on database backup


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Hi everyone!


I've installed the PayPal Pro Hosted module on a site with OSC and the PayPal assistance explained me that it doesn't work because of the version of the OSC's age...


So, I've tried, after site + database backup, to manually update files from folder "oscommerce-"... now, when I try to import the database backup in the main database, the mysql error is:


#1062 - Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'


And when I try to confirm the payment via PayPal, appears a page in checkout_process.php saying:


1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'orders_status_id' at row 1

insert into orders_status_history (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) values ('1517', '', now(), '0', '')



Any suggestion? Any help?


Thanks and sorry for my very bad english



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osC, while not the very latest, should be recent enough to run PayPal. I wonder why they told you that.


If you are importing a full backup of the database, you need to clear out the old data first. That's why you get the "duplicate entry". You shouldn't have tried running the shop until that error was dealt with. Depending on what's in the backup you have, you may only need to empty out the tables, or you may need to drop the tables themselves if new ones will be created. Note that once you have imported the data, you will need to (possibly again) run the 2.3.4 upgrade to bring the database schema up to date.

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