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The e-commerce.

policies area on footer


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i need paragraphs in my terms and conditions, shipping and return, privacy and cookies policies and i don't know php.  How do I add paragraphs within this line of code:


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Put here your Privacy Notice information.');


Any help would be appreciated.

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Here is an example


<h2>this is the h2</h2>
<h3>this is the h3</h3>

<p>paragraph:  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque a purus et mauris pharetra sagittis ut in ligula. Sed sagittis, lacus sit amet aliquet elementum, dui leo porttitor arcu, ut tempus orci erat eget sem. Proin nec orci sit amet lorem semper gravida sed eu sapien. Nulla commodo odio vitae libero venenatis sit amet suscipit est tempus.</p>

<p>paragraph: Nam sollicitudin pharetra facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque hendrerit gravida eleifend. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Proin nec orci sit amet lorem semper gravida sed eu sapien. Duis ut lorem nunc, non interdum turpis.</p>

  <li>Quisque a purus</li>
  <li>Nulla commodo odio vitae</li>
  <li>Class aptent tacit</li>

<p>paragraph: Vivamus id massa vitae odio dictum laoreet vitae scelerisque mauris. Nulla commodo odio vitae libero venenatis sit amet suscipit est tempus. Aliquam ut felis est, non sollicitudin ligula. Aenean risus elit, laoreet sed luctus et, tincidunt non nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec id massa vitae enim vulputate vehicula non a turpis.</p>


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i need paragraphs in my terms and conditions, shipping and return, privacy and cookies policies and i don't know php.  How do I add paragraphs within this line of code:


define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Put here your Privacy Notice information.');


Any help would be appreciated.


As you have found, the 'text' displayed on your pages (Terms and Conditions, Shipping and Returns, Privacy, and Cookies) is defined in files in your language directory. This is where you enter the text that will display on the screen. These are plain text files, and can be edited with any text editor. Do *not* use something like Microsoft Word to edit these, they must stay a plain text file.


In your example, you would change the line:

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Put here your Privacy Notice information.');

to something like this:

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'This is the Privacy Notice for our web site.');

Do note that you have to keep the semi-colon at the end of the line.


You can have more than a single line of text. However, if you try something like:

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'Put here your Privacy Notice information.

This is supposed to be on a different line.

And this too is on it's own line');

... you'll quickly learn that the formatting (separate lines) goes away. What you need to do is use HTML markup (not PHP).


As Steve has mentioned, there are a number of online resources for learning HTML. And, George gave you a couple of examples.





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