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Text wrapping

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How do you stop text wrapping down the side of an image when viewing a site on an I Phone or in responsive view.


I notice that on




this doesn't occur but seems to when using




What do I need to do please to sort this.


Many thanks











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@@grandpaj I too seem the same problem on both.... Make sure you are looking at the same product - the text wrapping depends on the size of the image and also the length of the text.


That said, I know the issue you speak of and product_info can be easily modified to move the text under the image on xs size with;

<div class="clearfix visible-xs"></div>
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@@grandpaj I too seem the same problem on both.... Make sure you are looking at the same product - the text wrapping depends on the size of the image and also the length of the text.


That said, I know the issue you speak of and product_info can be easily modified to move the text under the image on xs size with;


<div class="clearfix visible-xs"></div>



I had same issue but wanted to move the images, so I edited product info, and made 2 divs inside a row.

The problem im having is the images div is not clearing the other div correctly.


I have the image thumbnails row, the second image is smaller than the others for some reason.


This JavaScript is really causing a mess by defining the layout in browser.

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