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Updating from v2.3.3 to v2.3.4


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I'm a bit new to OSC. My question is will I loose any data when moving from OSC 2.3.3 to 2.3.4? Also I've seeing some problems with USPS module. It doesn't display all shipping options I have ticked. Also I'm seeing some outdated code like the discontinued <sup> ect. With these issues I'm assuming that the module is out of date and I need to update to OSC 2.3.4. Would anyone have any tips or information for me to help with these updates?

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Products, categories, customers, orders, etc. are stored in your database, so you won't lose those. You might lose some addons, or have conflicts with them, depending on what and how old the addon is.


The safest way to do this is to set up a copy of osCommerce 2.3.4 (or 2.3.4BS) in a separate folder and link it to a copy of your database. That way you can test everything without messing up the original store. Read the instructions for upgrading -- you have some additional modules that will need to be installed at the very least.


The USPS changes their API several times a year, so your module is probably out of date. I recommend this USPS module as a replacement, but there are a couple of others that also work. However, the outdated <sup> is coming directly from the USPS via their interface, so that will remain. Unless you want to hack the code to get rid of it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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