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OSC 234 BS Edge, Sales Taxes not functioning correctly. (no bump)


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Thanks to greasemonkey he told me this is the place I should be.

This is the issue.


I am building (developing) an OSC 2.3.4BS Edge store.


The program is charging everyone Sales Tax. Zones and Rates in admin is setup correctly. I set it up more than once. I have two development OSC 2.3.4BS sites and it is doing the same for both. I have only one Zone and one Sales Tax Rate, it is for California. I collect only Sales Taxes for products shipped to destination in California. I pay only to the State of California Sales Taxes and no other state.


It does not matter if I use IE explorer or Firefox it does the same thing. If someone is in the Tax Zone, let's say California, buys and ships to another state or out of the country, he is charged Sales Tax though the product is used out of the collecting sales tax zone, which is California.


I setup a bogus customer in Texas, he buys from me, product is to be shipped to Texas, he is charged CA Sales Tax. This is all wrong. The product is to be used in Texas. I do not collect Sales Taxes for Texas, only CA. The program is even charging California Sales Taxes even to people in other countries, again this is all wrong.


Friends let me tell you, this is what you call, "an accounting nightmare," and I'm not joking, not to mention angry customers and abandoned carts.


Please help.



osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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I just got done testing. Sales Taxes work just fine. It was me. I don't  remember doing this setting  when I first set up OSC v 2.2RC2a. For some reason that Details button doesn't ring a bell.


I guess I'm getting old. :)  Thanks everyone for your patience.

osCommerce V. 2.3.4BS

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