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Use a Slider on a Single Product Page?


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Is there a way to implement a slider onto a single product page?  Everything I've tried fails.  I suspect there's an issue with using javascript within a product page listing.  NivoSlider and the Front Page slider (I'm using it) seem limited to the index.php page.  I tried MagicSlider, but you could only enable for all product pages, not just one.


Bottom line, I have a custom-made product for sale that has 42 images based on numerous iterations of the customization.  I'd rather use something snazzy that I can implement through html in the product listing.  I'd also rather not manually type in 42 image listings for the product, either.  The rest of the store works great, so I'm not interested in changing the entire structure of the store, either.


As mentioned, I tried MagicSlider with less than successful results.  I've also tried Unslider and looked at Flex Slider, RhinoSlider, and the Wow!slider (payment required on that one), but have not been successful yet.



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All sliders are nothing but HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, so they should all work. I assume you're adding the code into the description on your product page. Use Firebug or View Source to check that osCommerce is not stripping some of the code out.
The Front Page slider (which is Flex Slider) has code included to keep it from loading on anything other than the front page. That code looks something like

if (($PHP_SELF == 'index.php' || $PHP_SELF == '') && $cPath == '') {
<<< slider code here >>>

You'll need to remove that so it will work on other pages.




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