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Remember username, password and customer


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I using osc ver 2.3.4


Is it something that the customer's username and password stored ?
The customer does not need to enter a username and password


Thank you very much

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Normally that is handled by the browser itself. A 'password' type field and the text field before it (assumed to be an ID) may be stored by the browser, and populated when seen again. An application (e.g., osCommerce) has nothing to do with it. Note that this is not desirable on a shared machine (such as at an Internet cafe or library), so the browser should always ask the user if they really want to save ID and password. It certainly should never be done automatically.


I suppose something could be done to save and retrieve IDs and passwords automatically, in a cookie or maybe a plain file (if that's possible, on the PC); but as browsers normally can do this already, there's probably no reason to go through the effort. It would be difficult to do this on the server, as you can't guarantee that your IP address won't be reused by someone else later, and that's the most unique identifier you would have.

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@@bkiani You may want to take a look at the auto login addon. It is not written for 2.3 but the changes it makes are common in most, if not all, versions of oscommerce so it should work.

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