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site does not work after deleting preinstalled manufacturers


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Use the backup of your database and put it back to how it was before you deleted the manufacturers. If you do not have a backup and have not installed too much just run the install mysql files and put it all back to how it started.


Deleting the manufacturers should not cause a total lack of the site, so I expect you have done something else.


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Your page source is completely blank (empty: White Screen of Death), so you're probably getting a PHP syntax error. If the store was working before, it sounds like you corrupted a PHP file somewhere. Did you edit ANY files at all? The database shouldn't be a problem in that case (i.e., probably won't require restore).

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Thank you guys for the replies. I did not edit anything, just deleted those manufacturers and add mine. then, the store page looks blank. I also did the database restore, it remains the same. I will keep looking.. thank you

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If you did not edit anything, there remains the possibility that your host, or a hacker, changed (and corrupted) a file coincidentally at the time you were deleting manufacturers. You might want to take a look at all your site's files, to see if any show a "last modified" timestamp later than you can account for. That could indicate that someone else was in there without your knowledge or consent. As I said before, a WSOD is usually the result of damaged PHP files.


If no files have been corrupted or damaged, it would be unusual for a database operation to cause a WSOD, but it's possible. When you say "preinstalled", do you mean the sample product set? First, how did you get rid of the manufacturers? Did you delete via the Admin, or directly in the database? Did you delete the products first? Although I don't think that having products without manufacturers should break anything, maybe you found a new bug that only shows up when a certain code path is taken.

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