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How to center the store logo?


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I have seen this question answered before, but I couldn't benefit from the answer because theyare too old (not for my version) or it doesn't work.


I tried to fix it by change styleshee.css at catalog, but it didn't work. I tried  change the float value to "middle" and "center" none worked, but when I tried "right" it did work.


I examined the header at catalog includes, but I couldn't see anyplace where I could change to center or middle the logo store.


Any help please? I just want to center my logo. It shouldn't be so difficult.

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"latest/last version" is meaningless. We need a version number, such as 2.3.4 (the latest official release) and anything done beyond that (such as a template or 2.3.4BS responsive package added).


Some people install whatever their host, template vendor, etc. offers, and we find out their "latest" is actually back on 2.2MS2 or something.

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The Version Cheker in my Administration Site, says that I am using the latest version:


Version Checker pixel_trans.gif Installed Version: osCommerce Online Merchant v2.3.4 pixel_trans.gif

You are running the latest version of osCommerce Online Merchant.

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Hello my friends, again, is there anybody that can tell me why I can't center my store logo on the top. I tried already to edit the Header, with no results. i can put it to the right and left, but not in the center.. I used the words "middle" and "center" but nothing happens. Do you think is a glitch?

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Nope I dont think its a glitch. Have searched on line for you and have you tried something like


display: block;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;


in your CSS file where the image class is for what you are trying to move.


Trouble being that if you are not careful the buttons in the header will also need fixing in place as the image may force them across the page also. You may be better adding your image as a background image to the header area.


You should also be able to position it using left and top margins in the css file for the class that your header image is.


I am sure that someone better than me will help you soon. If not, post what you have tried and someone will be able to see what you are doing.


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