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Final heading picture on SubCategory is too big


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I was able to fix the size of the pictures that only show the category, but on the category itself, where appears the list of of products the category picture appears in its original size (in my case too big) How do I do to change that without having to change the actual size of the picture? 


Go to this link and you will know what I am talking about:


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I have tried this and it doesn't work, I have it set it to width = 100 and istill show 640 like you can see in the link above.

I wonder is is there another place I can manipulate the size of this image, without reducing the size of the actual image.

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Before you spend much more time on this site, consider swapping out to the Responsive Build.

Google will say "thank you" if you do.


As for category images, they should be uploaded at the size set in admin.

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About the category images, if you noticed in the link above, they only do not assume the size I set on administration on the final page, where the products appear. When the images appear to indicate subcategories, they adjust just fine. So, the problem is only to final image where the products go, not all of them. Any inputs about that?

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Thanks, and before I swap to Responsive Build, I want to know if I will lose the work I have done already. Will I?

Yes, you will. You will need to apply file changes made again; and export and import your database contents.


You can try posting your index.php file here. The problem must lie between there and your settings in Admin for images. 

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Thanks, and before I swap to Responsive Build, I want to know if I will lose the work I have done already. Will I?


Yes, you will. You can export your database from your existing store, and import (and update) it into the the responsive site...




Other than the new products you've added to your store, what other 'work' have you already done? I see places where you have altered the layout, but not for the better. I have confirmed this with IE8, Firefox and Chrome.



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Unfortunately, I am not good on these updates.. and I have already months of work on my site. I am afraid to lose work, So I have decided to stick to the site as I want and I will reduce manually the size of the imges that are like the "cover" fro the last subcategories where the sites are. I think theyare supposed to be like that because it is working fine for all other subcategories that has no product in them... Thank you for trying.

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The problem you are getting is not present in a standard unmodified version of oscommerce, so it must be something that you have done, somewhere. If it was happening on everyone's store, there would be many complaints, and there isn't.


You will have to try and find what you have altered that is causing the problems. Assuming you have backups of all the files prior to you altering them, then you should be able to revert back to a time when the problem was not present. You then have to re add the work you have done since then.


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