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Implementing pixlr api on Osc 2.2


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Hi Guys,

I am implementing pixlr api editor (photo editing) in my website for visitors.
At the moment, I could manually pass one product image name (with full path) from www.mysite.com/catalog/editor/index.php page to pixlr api editor like:
<a href="javascript:pixlr.overlay.show({image:'http://www.mysite.com/catalog/images/decanter1.jpg'title:'decanter1'});">Design your image</a>

What I would like to do is to dynamically grab the product_id from the current request url (in visitor's browser), then  use sql query to get the image name for that product_id form the database, then pass on the product image name to pixlr api editor like stated above.

How can I set this up inside catalog/editor/index.php? File is attached. Thanks.





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Is this part of osCommerce, or some other non-store part of your site? I'm curious as to what visitors/customers would be doing editing your files -- are you selling these edited pictures as downloadables, or printing them on tee shirts, etc.? If the latter, it might be easier to simply upload customer-supplied images. After all, every PC comes with basic picture-editing software.


I can't answer your question itself, but I will observe that osC 2.2 is positively ancient. You are going to be running faster and faster just to keep up with (unofficial) patches for new PHP versions and for security exposures. Keep in mind that 2.2 is basically unsupported now. You should be seriously considering going to 2.3.4 (the latest supported version) before engaging in any massive hacking to add new functionality.

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Is this part of osCommerce, or some other non-store part of your site? I'm curious as to what visitors/customers would be doing editing your files -- are you selling these edited pictures as downloadables, or printing them on tee shirts, etc.? If the latter, it might be easier to simply upload customer-supplied images. After all, every PC comes with basic picture-editing software.


I can't answer your question itself, but I will observe that osC 2.2 is positively ancient. You are going to be running faster and faster just to keep up with (unofficial) patches for new PHP versions and for security exposures. Keep in mind that 2.2 is basically unsupported now. You should be seriously considering going to 2.3.4 (the latest supported version) before engaging in any massive hacking to add new functionality.

Mr Phil, it is not a part of oscommerce. It is an api (like fotoflexer, Ribbet, etc) that gives you a kind of a mini version of photoshop and people can edit your product image and their images online. You are right that PC comes with basic picture-editing software, so I guess its a matter of choice, customer friendliness, convinience etc. The site is heavily modified, it would be almost impossible to upgrade to 2.3 now.


You said "it might be easier to simply upload customer-supplied images" What is customer-supplied images? If you mean allow customer to upolad their own images, the site has that function already.


What I am looking for is the right php code to grab the right product_image name and pass it on to pixlr. Thanks.

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