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Normal Pages Work Fine But Actual Shop Pages/Product Pages Not


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My front page, about, contact...etc all are working but something has went amiss on my actual product categories and product pages, and I have no idea why.


The front page is http://illustriousvisions.com


It shows fine but if you click on a product link or product category it goes nuts! It was working properly yesterday, and I have not done any major editing or anything since, so I have no idea what's going on. If anyone can please give me some suggestions as to what I should be looking for it would be greatly appreciated!

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I have not done any major editing or anything since, so I have no idea what's going on.

But you've done some editing since? If so, have you tried restoring your files to see if your editing was to blame?


What osC version are you running? Older versions (2.2 and some earlier 2.3) break when PHP is updated to current levels. Did your host just update anything?


Look at the timestamps on all your files. Is anything newer than the last time you did any editing? If so, maybe you've been hacked.

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Your site only shows a down for maintenance message and a description of "goes nuts" isn't helpful so I don't think you will get any help with this unless you can show the problem.

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I pulled it all down and reinstalled and overwriting files one by one, trying to find the culprit. The ONLY change I had made wasn't anything major, just added some social buttons. I didn't touch any of the php, so I have no clue what happened. All the stuff I had made changes too I have pasted back over the stock files and its not causing problems, but I still have more files to sort through to try and find the problem...I'm at a total loss as to what would be affecting it.

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I just started fresh and was able to keep my customized layout without causing any the problems with the shop pages. I have no idea what happened, but, my main issue was wanting to keep all my customized work and I was able to overwrite all the stock files with my customized ones with no issues. Thanks very much for replying, but I'm filing this under solved, even if I did take the easy way out! lol

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