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shipping address invalid & captcha no good


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I just installed 2.3.4 from scratch and have come across a few issues, any ideas???


Firstly, when going to the checkout the login page comes up and the header_new_customer, etc., was not defined. I added them and that's working.


When trying to sign up the captcha code will not take if I use uppercase letters, even though the graphic is all caps - but it will work if I use lowercase letters to enter the uppercase captcha. Anyone seen this before? I suppose I can just add a note for customers to use lowercase when entering the code but I'd rather get it to work as it shoud.


The next big hurdle is getting through the ordering process. I have set up 5 zones with the zone rates module (flat rate is disabled and no other shipping is installed), the first being just US with a 1:1,2:2,3:3,999:0 table and no handling fees. My test account address is in the US, but when trying to checkout I get the following error:


Shipping is currently not available for the selected shipping address. Please select or create a new shipping address to use with your purchase.


Where should I start looking? I've used previous versions of OSC and don't remember having this much trouble out of the box getting it set up :/

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1.  there is no "capcha" in oscommerce.  Is it something you have added?  Remove it.


2.  set "allow shipping to defined zones" (it's worded something like that) to the opposite of whatever it is now.  It's a setting in admin somewhere, most likely configuration > shipping 


change the shipping bands as so:  1:1,2:2,3:3,999:0.001

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