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Duplicate issues | Google


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I was just reviewing my search appearance in the Webmasters Tools -> HMTL improvements and there it says that I got some duplicate contents.

This is new territory for me and SEO and all that stuff is not my forte. I have SEO - Reloaded and SEO URLs by Chemo installed.

How can I not only prevent those from happening but also remove them from that list or fix them? Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks.

Here the list:


1. Duplicate Meta Descriptions


2. Duplicate Title Tags





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You need to set the canonical tag on index.php - it must exclude the currency and language parameters. not familiar with that add-on so can't say if it already does that.


Duplicate Title tags on these pages:






mean that you have not given titles to them and you probably have the store name set for all of them. Set unique titles for all of them. 

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Hi Ashley


Thanks for your reply.



You need to set the canonical tag on index.php - it must exclude the currency and language parameters. not familiar with that add-on so can't say if it already does that.


I lost you there already...canonical tag? I got Canonical Header Links inside the ht_ modules activated other then that I can't see anything else named canonical...



mean that you have not given titles to them and you probably have the store name set for all of them. Set unique titles for all of them.


How can I do that? They don't have their own headers where i can type a title or anything. But I'll look around....maybe I am just missing something...

A stock osC shop doesn't allow you to set different titles per page.Neither does any of the addons that I have.

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Go to a page with the currency parameter set, and one with the language parameter set, then view the source code. What appears in the head section wrt to the 


<link rel="canonical" href="" /> ?


For title tags you create new modules under header tags in the Admin.

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You may not want to exclude the language parameter with rel="canonical" depending on the content on your pages. If you have multiple languages set, but the main body content is the same and does not change, then use it.


PS: it's late/early here, i will comment again tomorrow if required.

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Not to be a pain in the a$$, but can you be a bit more specific? I mean I did not drop on my head or anything but it is early morning here and I have a hard time to get the motor starting and I am really not good at all with this stuff.

So you tell me that any shop out there that has not installed a canonical tag addon or uses multiple languages will get this duplicate content issue? There is nothing inside a stock osC shop to prevent such thing?

If yes, then wow man that sucks.


The language & currency thing is inside the header.php just simple dropdown codes. Now how should I use this <link rel="canonical" href="" /> ?

And you say I should "create" new ht_ modules for each page that is listed? I have Pages Title, Pages Meta, Category Title, Category Meta and so on inside already but nothing more then that.


UPDATE: just read your answer...yeah early here too, I will see who else might answer here and see from there....right now I am just staggered and confused. Thanks again for your time & help. Appreciated.

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What's in your source code? stock osC bootstrap does have the canonical tag as standard, just don't recall how it's setup by default, will have to go check.


I will post here the example code for a new ht module for a page like conditions later, then you can do the same for all the rest.

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this is what is inside the canonical ht_ module

    function execute() {
      global $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $cPath, $oscTemplate;

      if (basename($PHP_SELF) == FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO) {
        $oscTemplate->addBlock('<link rel="canonical" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'], 'NONSSL', false) . '" />' . "\n", $this->group);
      } elseif (basename($PHP_SELF) == FILENAME_DEFAULT) {
        if (isset($cPath) && tep_not_null($cPath)) {
          $oscTemplate->addBlock('<link rel="canonical" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=' . $cPath, 'NONSSL', false) . '" />' . "\n", $this->group);
        } elseif (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {
          $oscTemplate->addBlock('<link rel="canonical" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'manufacturers_id=' . (int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'], 'NONSSL', false) . '" />' . "\n", $this->group);

that looks similar to what Spooks posted once. I have no clue what that should prevent but I have that activated in the admin area.

My source code just shows the title, meta description and all the rest that comes from the template_top.php




OK my home page/start page shows the title that i have set inside the SEO Reloaded part inside the english/index.php but when I look at my all_products page it just shows the shop name, no additional text.

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I think I got the pages thing figured out. It is a mistake from my side and not shop related. :blush: :- o:)

I compared the specials.php page and the all_products page and the titles show different.

Looking at the language files the specials.php has a SEO code part inside it where I have to define the title, description and keywords.

The all_products.php page did not have that SEO part in it so I added it and it shows now a different title.


So this following list  we could say is solved







Now left to fix are the currency and language stuff.

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OK, glad you came right. What i meant was to see your source code, not the code of the canonical tag. Either you are using the tag or not, because the stock tag does not have any configurable options. If you are using it then it should be excluding those parameters.

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@@Tsimi Those various links are really non-issues. See here for googles advise. You should have a working canonical meta tag regardless, of course. But you can also use the ignore parameter option in both google and Bing webmaster tools.

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The only thing that's confusing is whether you are using a canonical tag or not. If you can PM me a link to your site i can take a look at the source of your pages. Depending on your browser you normally right click and select "view page source".


if you don't fully understand how query string parameters work WRT SEO, then it is best not to select options under that category in webmaster tools. It will default to "let Google decide" and that's probably the safest option if you don't want to affect the performance of your site.

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The "W" site does not appear to be using the Canonical HT module ?


Edit:  my mistake,yes it is...  Would help if I was looking at a page on which the module is invoked  :blush:

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You have rel="canonical" on your product pages, but not on your index pages, which explains why the errors in Google webmaster tools are for index.php only. Depending on the ht module you selected to use, you might be able to select the pages you want the tag to display on, in which case you should select index.php.


I looked at your German and English product pages. You have your product descriptions translated into German, correct? In which case you don't want to exclude the language parameter. You want people who search in German to find that URL on your site.

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Thanks for checking.


The module name is Canonical Header Links and if I am not mistaken that is stock osC, no Addon. And there are no pages to select. I can either set it to true or false and set the sort order for it and that's about it.

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If you use the module, then it will exclude all parameters incl, language, currency, page, sort.


You have 2 options, recode the module to get it to work like you want, OR drop it completely and let Google decide to index your site like it wants.


Member Spooks had an add-on with inclusion/exclusion arrays where you could set parameters per page, maybe you can get that to work.

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