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Credit Card Module oscommerce


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Hi Benok,


What version oscom are you using? Do you take credit cards now? You would need a bank merchant account set up to accept the funds first and then you integrate their info into your shop using a payment gateway to make it all work. Do you have a PayPal account? You can bump it to a PayPal Pro like we just did and accept credit cards right on your site then! v2.3.4 can be easily setup with the PayPal app.

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  • 1 month later...

The problem was solved. Thank you for your reply. Yet I have another question. After checkout_payment. What would be the next php file? chekcout_success.php?

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Hi Benok,


I would suggest to just set up a "test customer account" and go through your store checkout as a customer. You should have a payment option of "Cash on Delivery" you can turn on for testing purposes. You can go through and pretend to place an order and see how it all works. You will see it goes from the checkout_payment screen on to the checkout_confirmation screen and then finishes with the checkout_success upon order completion. You will need to have a shipping module set up of course to get to that point, but it sounds like you may have done that already. If not you can easily turn on the "Flat Rate" shipping module for testing purposes.

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