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Is it possible to feed/stream XML to Oscommerce?


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I've have access to a XML feed that would be great for keeping our prices up to date and maybe adding new products.


Is it possible to get XML integrated with OSC, perhaps via Easy populate after the feed has been imported.



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An XML feed does not need Easy Populate, you need a little script that will grab the XML and take the necessary data from it and then do something with that data.  Straightforward enough.


However, you need to ensure that the XML feed is mapped to your products in some way, eg:  same ID, same model ... or some other flag, for this to happen.  So, provide a small sample of the XML feed...

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One approach would be to get the XML as a file on your server, run a processor script to convert it to a CSV file, and use the normal Easy Populate add-on to make use of the data. This would eliminate the need to modify Easy Populate to directly use XML input, but check if that might be easier than the conversion.

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So the key would be (eg):





and the value would be (eg):





You now write a little PHP script that iterates thru the XML, matching the key to the products_model (which I presume matches), and update the price (aka value) accordingly.

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