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Gold / Edge - Is this post still good?

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Is the info on this post http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/404711-234-gold-edge-24/still good?


Ie is the Edge version the most upto date? or is the Gold version as upto date as edge now?


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@@burt Thank you :)

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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When is Edge gonna become 2.4 or should I ask is there a 2.4 release date? Also, is there a list of new features that will be in the official 2.4? For example...


- Bootstrap responsive.

- Product variant.

- Lang in DB & etc.


I guess I am reading some of these features being developed for 2.4, but my guess from github was that I may still have to merge some of these features from different repositories as there isn't an official repository for 2.4...I am workig on FWR's SEO URL lang feature as well as a "synchronized" inventory control module with product variant for a client. I would like to see if I could stay as close to the office release as possible...as well as I think I can help with the dev/testing in the process of my work...thanks for your help! Tim

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When is Edge gonna become 2.4 or should I ask is there a 2.4 release date? Also, is there a list of new features that will be in the official 2.4? For example...


Tis thread represents a major problem. Not even experienced oscommerce users can find the latest mobile-friendly version. Non-experienced users will use the official version only to find it is not responsive. I can only hope Harold sees the damage being done to oscommerce due to not releasing an official responsive version.

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@@wHiTeHaT I'm not sure I understand your response but it seems to be saying that posting what I did is a problem. If that is what you mean, I disagree. Pretending there isn't a problem is far more damaging that pointing out that there is a problem.

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I think maybe a sticky post informing that the Edge version is the most uptodate responsive version should be sufficient.


If you have a previous edge version, you can just download the latest Edge version, and merge any files, adjustments.

I assume the Edge version, the database does not change? So its simply a case of merging or dropping in any new modules you might have made, or any edits to pages.


Since the Edge version is being updated almost daily, it makes sense to keep a notepad list of all your edits and additions, so you can easily update if you need to.

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I have said for ages that the problem is that oscommerce does not have a responsive official version, and this is stopping some developers creating addons, or updating older addons. I feel what should have happened is that the oscommerce team should have adopted the community version as official and start working then on a new better official version. That would have been to the benefit of new users and developers. The community edition has been about for well over a year now, must be almost bug free, so why was this not done. Since the last big argument on here nothing officially has been done. If it has its been kept extremely quiet. If the same argument keeps happening surely that means that something needs doing, or at the least it means that something should be seen to be happening.


Still this didnt happen. Oscommerce still has no official responsive version. Oscommerce is still lagging behind the competition with no sign of ever catching it up, let alone over taking them. Why is there not a sticky or something with a link to the community responsive version so people can find it, use it and improve it. Seems very strange especially when Gary was moaning a while back that no one was using it. They cant find it as I couldnt, and as Jack says. Strip it down to a single version and post updates and changes in an easy to follow thread so store owners and coders can update their version easily, without having to fart around with github and what ever else they need.


Keep it simple as us store owners are not the brightest bunch, but we can nearly all read and cut and paste. This is our livelihoods and full time jobs that people are messing with.


Enough said on a very old topic that seems never to go away.


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Store owners need a baseline to work off from. As good as the Bootstrap version of osCommerce appears to be, some serious store owners won't install it, simply because it is not an official download. That then leaves them with the dilemma of whether to continue on with osCommerce or not, because the official release has become outdated. Why not just release the GOLD version as official?

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No one pretends there isn't a problem, however keep trowing salt in the wounds is what makes the damage.

As long as there is no "official" responsive version, there are enough community members pointing the ones who asking out to the "un-official" version.

The best help to preserve damage is contribute positivity .

So in your point of view, anyone that downloads an oscommerce version will check here first for advise? That is not my experience. I've had quite a few people contact me with something along the lines of, "I installed oscommerce through my control panel but can't figure out how to make it mobile-ready..." When I tell they have to start over with the BS version, none of them have been please about it. How many just go away without asking?


My intention wasn't to restart an old topic. As Steve stated, there has ben plenty of time for something to have been done about this. But if Harold isn't made aware of the damage he is doing by not making a move, he may well not do so. The point has to be made so it isn't forgotten since that seems to be what is happening.

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Well...everyone meant well. I totally can sort out and merge these three repositories..








On the back of my mind of course I am thinking what if...I am closing couple clients and one is gonna be big, big as in a medium business with its online ops outsourced to us, and I would want to minimize our work in the future if at all possible. To stay competitive it is important that this platform is features rich like any other carts. I have had my own product variants with data synchronized with an ERP that has a simple product management interface on the catalog side for a while now...




and now I have wanted to add a bulk product upload via text/csv and excel cut/paste like the one you see in mailchimp...




Hence my question...should I stay on my own path, or should I merge all these unofficial stuffs together with my own...I also know that we need to minimize our future upgrade path as we are aggressively bringing in new clients...



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@@Jack_mc...hey, I don't think you are being negative at all but just pointing out the obvious. I serious don't think anyone who had made an entry in this post can do anything about it neither. I definitely say "egging" it on is no bueno though to anyone that may be reading this thread...

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and now I have wanted to add a bulk product upload via text/csv and excel cut/paste like the one you see in mailchimp...

I am not familiar with how mailchimp does it but the Easy Populate addon is meant for that purpose in oscommerce.

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@@wHiTeHaT I'm just trying to talk about a subject that needs talking about. You're thinking is certainly wrong-headed but I see this has obviously touched a sore spot with you, though I see no reason for personal attacks. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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@@wHiTeHaT I started the Original post - with a very simple question......

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Hi all,


edge will get the hook system for testing and probably this will be the end of v2.3. Harald is writing for now the documentation. v2.4 will be the official beta BS version as you are informed in a previous post. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/407526-v240-beta-roadmap-pre-announcement/#entry1726968

If you have ever seen github you might see v2.4 beta 1 is ready. What is the question? Why dont you develop your addons?



osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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@@wHiTeHaT I started the Original post - with a very simple question......


@@Mort-lemur Heather, I don't think Henry's post was directed at you, it was a valid question. Thread went into a bit of different direction afterwards. Anyway thanks to Gergely for clarifying, as I am sure there are many members who would like to know about an official release, even though we know we're not "entitled" to anything.

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@@Gergely...ah...I looked and couldn't find it hence my question...I probably shouldn't had looked here...




Could this be it? It seems the most recent...








Hi all,


edge will get the hook system for testing and probably this will be the end of v2.3. Harald is writing for now the documentation. v2.4 will be the official beta BS version as you are informed in a previous post. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/407526-v240-beta-roadmap-pre-announcement/#entry1726968

If you have ever seen github you might see v2.4 beta 1 is ready. What is the question? Why dont you develop your addons?



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@@Gergely...ah...I looked and couldn't find it hence my question...I probably shouldn't had looked here...




Could this be it? It seems the most recent...




I dont know what you are looking for. Here is the oscommerce development rule: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/397703-github-development-workflow/


The separated github flows are not official versions so you have to upgrade from them alone.

If you follow the official version you could drop in separated flows in your separated own branches. Its an easy way to mix them. I am doing the same on my desktop.


Finaly you could merge all of them into your version.



osCommerce based shop owner with minimal design and focused on background works. When the less is more.
Email managment with tracking pixel, package managment for shipping, stock management, warehouse managment with bar code reader, parcel shops management on 3000 pickup points without local store.

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There is no need to talk about as it is not of your concerns.



You and many other constantly attacking oscommerce (==Harald)....Still......... you all keep using it?

So yes of course i getting personal.




A simple solution for you... as you are a hosting guy.............

Change the oscommerce 2.3 on your 1-click install solution to the bs version.... one under your control.


Question......... is on that 1-click install also a ZEN-Cart?

I not see an official download here on osc for it?

still it is oscommerce....... whatever they call it.


There are a bunch of peep always the same ones..... oscommerce would be better without with, as they add NOTHING constructional to it.


They all forget oscommerce is FREE and you can do as YOU PLEASE with it... you have no right what so ever to insist/demand ANYTHING from it's developers.


If H makes damage to osc......let him it is HIS.... we are not his social-workers.


Simply use it......... discuss it's functionality.......discuss add-ons.......... but leave the owner and what he do with it  out of your discussions......... stick to the code..

I was pissed to.sure.... but i got over it very fast........


You all should


All these post like this ones (if i had control over them).......... they should be removed........... and anyone ever start such again.......... should be banned.

I dont believe that talking about things and saying what people want is wrong. Businesses do it every day. Its called research and development. Business will not grow or expand if it does not listen to its customers. Oscommerce has fallen behind the competition, we all know that, and many people will not use unofficial versions of the software. Many people will not code addons for unofficial versions as had already been discussed in other posts, so why the very long delay in giving something people want, when its already available. Its bad customer service.


Its people like you that seem to have an opinion and push that on to others that you should perhaps move on, and not be rude and aggressive towards others that are only having a sensible discussion. Getting personal and attacking other members is not wanted or liked. Maybe its you that should be removed from the forum because of your attitude, not those that have been working with, and using oscommerce for years, and want to see it move forward. I dont see that you have released that many addons for others to use use like many other members of this forum, that you regularly insult. At least they give something to help oscommerce.


Now I bet I get an insult from you for telling the truth because you dont like it, if you havent already made a snide insinuation that maybe I should leave the forum as I am not needed or required. At least I dont insult people and be rude to them like you regularly do. Sarcasm is not liked and should be taken off this site and that would mean many of your posts.


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@@wHiTeHaT not wanting to get involved in this, or fuel the fire, but a reminder:




The word I bring your attention to is "Community"

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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