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The e-commerce.

Deleting Images with Product


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Just been pondering something as I patiently wait for 5000+ images to download from the server to my pc so I can sort them out and delete ones no longer used.


Has anyone ever given any thought to the possibility of adding a function to the admin, so that when a product is deleted from the store the option is there to delete its associated image from the images directory?


As sites get older, products come and go - but there is not currently (that Im aware of) any way to delete the redundant images along with the product - result is that the images folder grows and grows over the years..........

Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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In addition to the above, your installation of osCommerce must be goosed, as (definitely [i just tested it]) in the Responsive version, one can add a new product ...i f one then deletes the product, the product images are also deleted (unless those images are in use on another product).


The same code exists in 2.3.4, and I went back as far as 2.3.1 to see if the same code is there - it is. function called tep_remove_product

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