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osc 2.3.4 No product listing view grid/list in admin


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I have installed OSC 2.3.4 on Godaddy 6 times and have yet to see in the admin-configuration area the option under Product Listing - grid/list option.  I want to change the view of my product listings but have no clue how to do this without seeing it in Admin.


Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.  Shouldn't the option for gris/list be the last option in the menu? Yet it is not there at all!


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Not sure if 2.3.4 has that option, the latest community version of bootstrap osCommerce does. Admin - Modules - headertags - Enable Grid List javascript


You might have to install the module first by clicking INSTALL in the top right hand corner.

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Thanks @mention.  I've looked into the header tags but there is no option that I see that specifically says Grid/List.  As to the bootstrap version, not exactly sure what that is.  I've seen it as a download but Godaddy doesn't offer it.  I could do a self install but will have to find out what the difference is between the standard 2.3.4 and bootstrap.


Again, thanks for your input......

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234 has no grid/list function. Could be retro-fitted from the 234responsive, but you would be better off to just jump to 234responsive now before you do much more work with 234.


Difference is considerable, especially when put up against each other in terms of Googles "mobile friendly" requirement.


234 : http://demo.oscommerce.com/


234r: http://www.template.me.uk/234bs3/

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Working on the latest version for 234 Responsive.  Does anyone know how to default to list view vs. grid view.  Mine defaults to grid view.. If I missed a post my humble apologies.  Great work and thank you for an excellent alternative store!!   

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If you don't get a more specific answer, the code for it is contained in:




towards the bottom of the file:

          $oscTemplate->addBlock('<script src="ext/jquery/cookie.js"></script>' . "\n", $this->group);
          $oscTemplate->addBlock('<script>$(function() {var cc = $.cookie(\'list_grid\');if (cc == \'list\') {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\');}else {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');}$(document).ready(function() {$(\'#list\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'list\');});$(\'#grid\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'grid\');});});});</script>' . "\n", $this->group);
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  • 1 year later...

To set it up to default to list view instead of grid view if there is no cookie set, just do the following:


Replace the code:

$oscTemplate->addBlock('<script>$(function() {var cc = $.cookie(\'list_grid\');if (cc == \'list\') {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\');}else {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');}$(document).ready(function() {$(\'#list\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'list\');});$(\'#grid\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'grid\');});});});</script>' . "\n", $this->group);


$oscTemplate->addBlock('<script>$(function() {var cc = $.cookie(\'list_grid\');if (cc == \'list\') {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\');}else if (cc == \'grid\') {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');}else {$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\');}$(document).ready(function() {$(\'#list\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').addClass(\'list-group-item\').removeClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'list\');});$(\'#grid\').click(function(event){event.preventDefault();$(\'#products .item\').removeClass(\'list-group-item\').addClass(\'grid-group-item\');$.cookie(\'list_grid\', \'grid\');});});});</script>' . "\n", $this->group);
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