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Security check findings, are these neccersary?


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After doing my 30 day security check I am getting the usual admin http authentication (although I do have the extra password set up to get to admin). However I also have the following: 



  Some database tables need to be converted to UTF-8 (utf8_unicode_ci). Please review the tables under Tools -> Database Tables.


Not being totally savvy I am wondering if taking this action could cause any problems with the current set up or database structure



Complete Newbie On The Learn - Not A Programmer

But Learning As I Go

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Not being totally savvy I am wondering if taking this action could cause any problems with the current set up or database structure



In the long run, you're much better off if all of your database is the same encoding (and collation, for sorting purposes) and the page display is the same encoding. If you mix encodings (e.g., Latin-1 and UTF-8), even for an English-only site, you risk having UTF-8 characters eventually showing up as strings of odd accented characters, or an accented character showing up as a ?-in-black-diamond. If the collations do not match everywhere, you risk getting error messages about mismatched sorting order. Take the time to clean up everything and get consistent, and it could save you some headaches down the road.

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