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Wordpress RSS feed on OSCommerce home page?


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Hi guys,


We've recently updated our OSCommerce theme 6 months ago and our websites SERPs has dropped dramatically. I believe that it is because we no longer have a lot of textual content on our home page, being that we elected to go for a more simple and clutter-free landing page (http://www.manaleak.com/store/index.php).


We do have a content area on our Wordpress installation on the same domain (http://www.manaleak.com/mtguk/) and this gets updated daily with new articles our writers produce.


I was wondering, is there an add-on for OSCommerce that will allow me to display our latest Wordpress articles, the articles feature image and article description on our OSCommerce home page? Maybe the last 5 articles? I assume via the RSS feed? Is this even possible?


Do you have any other suggestions for how we can get more relevant content on our home page using our Wordpress content?


Many thanks,



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Use the RSS feed as at http://www.manaleak.com/mtguk/feed/- only problem is that this does not have the article image, if you can get the image details into the RSS feed it would be very very simple to do as you want.


Any good developer would be able to build a bridge to read the RSS feed and insert the last X articles into your homepage, I'd guess at an hours work. You can then share it to the addons area for anyone else who runs Wordpress and osCommerce. This could be a content module or a box module.


This approach has the advantage of being able to use ANY wordpress RSS feed to display on ANY osCommerce site.

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Checkout this codex, I think it is what you need. You don't need RSS feed...




I have been traversing the two environments for a long time...it's great!


Ok, b4 you use the get_recent_post function, you do need to bring in the WP environment first using...


require('dir to your wp install/wp-load.php');


Check this out...I use WP's Smartslider2 to run OSC's front page using the same method. WP's interface just make things very easy for updating...


epixcommerce dot com demo


Now, do know that you may have to style the posts unless you also bring in the wp_head and wp_footer...


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