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Button Not Working


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Hi all, im operating a 2.3.1 store, and i am having an issue with the remove button in the shopping_cart.php


The remove button is there but doesn't do anything and i cannot seem to figure out why.


someone please help, i would appreciate it

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The button does not work in Firefox v38. The URL changes to add the action=remove_product but nothing happens. Did you make changes to the remove_product section of your includes/application_top.php?




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yes i did i changed it to the following string $cart -> reset


i solved the issue though, the problem was for some products (im not entirely sure why) it was adding numbers wrapped in braces to the product ID.

WHen i removed "$products[$i]['id'] ." from the string in shopping_cart.php it solved the issue.

My problem was i was searching in applications_top.php thinking it was the function that was the problem but it was actually in the buttons identification process.

Probably  would have been easier to find if I knew how to debug.

Thank you very much everyone for your help

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one edit; by doing that it now just clears all of the products in the cart instead of just eliminating one, because it no longer identifies any specific product.

However its still functionally better than it was before.

Any suggestions as to how to fix it to remove just the one product and not reset the cart are welcome.

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$cart ->reset deletes everything in the cart. The numbers in braces are the options/attributes for products that have them. You need to break that down and find the product that matches just those options.


Stock osCommerce does this correctly. You should not need to make any changes to make this work.




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