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The e-commerce.

Sales stats


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We have beenplaying with presta shop and open cart etc and all have some great reports do oscommerce have a modual that does this


There stats show the following


Sales of a certain product per month

Sales froma  certain supplier etc


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I have recently adapted this report for use with osC 2.3.4




Per the description:


This stand-alone-tool shows you for a selectable product (by product_model) and a selectable period (in years) how many items of this product have been sold per month, per quarter and per year and additional the amount.



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I have recently adapted this report for use with osC 2.3.4




Per the description:


This stand-alone-tool shows you for a selectable product (by product_model) and a selectable period (in years) how many items of this product have been sold per month, per quarter and per year and additional the amount.



what mods needed to be done to work with current version?

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