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The e-commerce.

test purchase

Chris H

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Dear osC experts
Being tight-fisted I have been experimenting with completing a test purchase, without incurring a transaction fee. This entails subverting the transaction at the doExpressCheckoutPayment stage. That is, we go to
to replace the line

$response_array = $this->doExpressCheckoutPayment($params);

with these 2 lines

// $response_array = $this->doExpressCheckoutPayment($params);

$response_array['ACK'] = 'Success';

I've tried this with my copy of 2.3.3, and with my copy of 2.3.4 . It works in both cases - the two Paypal emails, that one would normally expect, do not arrive.
But the behaviour is a bit different in the two cases, possibly due to differing admin settings. Everything works as expected, in the case of my 2.3.3, finally getting through to the 'Thanks for shopping with us online!' page. But my 2.3.4 just gives me a blank page, after clicking Paypal's 'Pay Now' button.
It is necessary incidentally to have your credit card in your hand, and to type in a valid number. If you enter a bogus number then Paypal will give you their 'Please try again' message.
Few people admittedly want to delve into the php, to save a few pennies, but it could be converted into an admin switch.
If it all feels a bit inconclusive then the value of SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO, in the configuration table, can be set to your email address. This offers reassurance that the process has been followed - and is in any case a good idea, in giving a summary of the order.
It would be interesting if one or two other people could try this, perhaps with other versions.


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Have you tried using the paypal sandbox mode which is what paypal developed to trial payment transactions. You do need to create a paypal sandbox account, but that is very easy.


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Has Paypal stopped refunding the fee when you refund the transaction?

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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As 14steve14 and BrockleyJohn have pointed out, there are other ways to avoid paying the fee. And on reflection I think that their ways are better. My thanks to them both.

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