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Product ID's - Can they be changed?


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Is there a script or any way to change or re-assign the product id# of a product once it's been entered? I’m needing to move products from an old 2.2 site to new 2.3.4 site and want to maintain the same products id’s for the legacy items being moved.


Thank you for your advice


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Hello David @@Roaddoctor,


Also going bootstrap??


I believe yo need a database conversion for all old stuff.


Here is one for 2.2 to standard 2.3.3:



And here the one for 2.3.4 to 2.3.4 bootstrap:

2.3.4 to 2.3.4 BS


And here the migration tool you need if you used Ultra Pics: in your old 2.2:



I have this modified for More Pics 6, if you need, just let me know.




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I'm not sure I'm understanding what the problem is. If you migrated the old database to the new system (updating tables etc. with SQL commands), the old products should be preserved. Then you add in (enter) your new products, which will be assigned unused IDs. Did someone create the new shop, with products, and now you want to bring in the old products? If there are any duplicates between the two, you will have to manually adjust the database contents (change the new products).


If by "product ID" you mean something other than the internal integer ID, please explain.

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Yes I am referring to the internal assigned integer ID, (pID)


Here is my situation:

2.2rc2a/2.3 franken-store, been around over 12 years and does very well with good traffic, sales, and seo. We'll call this the OLD shop. The shop has 38 active products mostly from one vendor (VENDOR1). Active pID's range from 28 to 76.


I've recently built a NEW 2.3.4 shop (not BS, I used Unsemantic framework) and have loaded it with products from a new vendor (VENDOR2). The active pID's range from 29 to 161.


Now I wish to MERGE the two shops products and consolidate all into the new 2.3.4 shop, while using the OLD sites domain name and pID's. For SEO reasons I want to maintain the VENDOR1 pID's of the OLD store, and letting the PID's of the VENDOR2 items be whatever.



This has been helpful just to write this out because I am realizing my approach is ignoring customers and orders history.

Would this be easier to:

- strip products customers and orders out of the new 2.3.4 shop to make it clean

- have the OLD shops stuff ported over

- then re-add the new shops stuff


What would be the best path to do this?


Once I have a plan I'll be posting a work request to the tickets to have this done for me...


Thx much for any advice








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@@Roaddoctor The easy way is to install Easy Populate on both shops, export from the old and import into the new. As long as the model numbers are unique, the old products will be added without any problems. However, changing the product ID of existing products, which this will cause, will affect your ranking for those pages. So assuming the old site has established links with the search engines, removing the new and copying the old by importing the database tables is the better option. If you download the new product via Easy Populate first, you can then insert them back in once the tables have been copied.

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