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I am about ready to pull my hair out so I hope someone can guide me in the right direction LOL...


I have a site selling digital media. The sale goes thru, but in osCommerce the sale is always listed as processing, and the link to download the purchased item never appears. An email of the sale is never generated by the system either.


I am using CCBill as the payment processor. I have worked with them and everything on their end is working as it should.


This is my first time using ocCom so I'm a rookie LOL, please help!!


My site is http://store.ciarabluexxx.com WARNING: ADULT CONTENT NSFW




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As standard, oscommerce downloads are not perfect and you need to update each order in your admin to something other than preparing so that the download link becomes available to the customer. It is a nightmare and labour intensive, but does go some way towards complying with the latest EU electronic services rules and regulations.


There is an addon in the addons area which will automate the whole process. It was rewritten for 2.3.1 and has not been updated as far as I know for the latest version. It may even work as it is without any further code changes on the newest version, but I doubt it.


The addon is called super download store and can be found here http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7783


There are also many posts on these forums already about how to get downloads set up correctly and working so a quick search may save you time and effort.


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If all orders are paid online (= there is no way that someone can place an order and pay later/offline), you can set the download status to "allow downloads" for the order status customers receive by default

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I have manually set order to delivered, and no download link was presented. I tried to get the addon but it was just a text file showing a fix. How do set the download status to allow downloads by default???

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If you have updated the order status to one that allows downloads then the link should be available in the customers account history when viewing the order.


If it doesn't work you will have to make sure that you have correctly set up downloads and added the attribute to the product properly.


Again there are many previous posts on how to do this.


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