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The e-commerce.

What language/technologies have we got in OSC 2.3.4 Bootstrap?


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Getting to grips with a new store in Bootstrap OSC 2.3.4. Taking some getting used to all the new files and formats used in this compared to my old school 2.2.


Looking at doing a bit of training online to help with editing. What sort of language/technologies have we got under the hood?


Looking to further my knowledge in





Bootstrap 3




Any more to add and any suggestions or tools handy for editing?


Just had a go with Firebug and something called jsfiddle.net. Steep learning curve though coming from OSC 2.2

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The PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL in osC 2.3 are pretty much the same as in 2.2. There are a lot of improvements, but the base code is clearly still the same.


jQuery is a Javascript library that makes it easier to add functionality. That's new in 2.3. osCommerce 2.3 also uses jQueryUI to add theming. It allows you to easily change colors, buttons, etc. throughout the store. The Bootstrap community edition uses Bootstrap to do the same thing.


Firebug is a great tool. You should also have a good PHP/code editor/IDE (Eclipse, Geany, etc.), and a good comparison program (Meld, Winmerge, etc.) The tools available will depend on the operating system you are working on.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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By no means essential, but I've really got into github online with sourcetree on my desktop in the last couple of months. There are other desktop repository tools that do the same thing as sourcetree.


It started with my wanting to see what's going on the development of osC and BS but they're also great at keeping tabs on what's going on within your own project(s), being able to try things out and then roll back to a coherent set of files and keep regular off-site backups without even thinking about it. It's basically all the configuration management of an enterprise ide without any of the actual tools - you just use your favourite editor & merge tool along with them.


Mind you, I worked for a repository vendor through the nineties, so my outlook may be a bit odd

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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Thanks chaps. Yeah, I was thinking of trying a fork on Github of OSC, just to learn something else really and try and track versions.


I use Dreamweaver CS4 for my PHP editing, I assume that is on par with PHP/code editor/IDE (Eclipse, Geany, etc.)?


I've got a Lynda.com account so may give the following courses a go:




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funny, I was cleaning out my bookcase last week and just came across lynda trilogy from the nineties and wondered whatever happened ... now I know


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Big business this online training now. Lynda valued at $1 billion in this crazy tech boom



For any budding trainers out there, there is room for an oscommerce tutorial, this is all they have!



Great service though, top quality tutorials everywhere else on the site.

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Never use Dreamweaver to work on osC!

Notepad++! Nothing else for me.

Just my 2 cents.

@@Tsimi And why is that? I have seen remarks about Dreamweaver in relation to Osc before ... Never understood those remarks. I have used Dreamweaver V8 for the past 9 years ( .. Pfffff .... 9 years ... ) to work on Osc ... Without any problems! .. Both on Mac as on Windows PC ... There might be better code editors but that is an other topic!

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Because in the past there were some people here saying the stuff they coded or installed didn't work or doesn't show...we then try and try to help and at the end....oh it didn't upload to the server, or it didn't overwrite the old file or it was setup to the wrong server.

People think it is a good idea to edit and upload files directly to or from a real server. Others think they can use the preview function of dreamweaver which is not 100% working with osC.

Some had encoding issues....

You as an experienced person sure know how to handle DW and I think you can bug hunt really good yourself if something doesn't seem to work right, so no one is saying here you shouldn't use DW besides me. :P


Still my opinion is to keep things simple. Notepad++ has fantastic features and it is a FREE software. Additional to that, never work or experiment on a live server shop. Install a localhost thing like XAMPP or MAMPP or what ever else is out there and play there first before uploading/downloading files all the time. At the same time you will have a backup of your shop on your PC/MAC.


Here again just "my" 2 cents. :-

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