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Bootstrap and WYSIWYG Printing

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Well...Google is happy with my mobile ready site and page speed but my printer isn't. We occasionally have to print out a page from our store but with BS things are really scrambled...other than the hidden-print solution is there other suggestion before we resorting to screen capture and photo stitch? Applying the hidden print method our page basically was just left with the logo and couple pics...bummer...

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You need to determine what you need printed.

Do you need the side columns? the footer ? most of the header ?


I'd suggest that you need none of that, just the content, logo and maybe the date and page url ?

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You may also need some elements that are not in the display version of the page, such as an address and telephone number, in the version that customers print.


May I suggest adding a print stylesheet to stock osCommerce? It would be a really simple header tags module if you don't want to put it into the stock distro.




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I am not too sure if hidden-print will do any good as it seems the links are shown in anchors. Also the tabs are mess up...


Perhaps Twitter BS will have a WYSIWYG print function soon other than using the screen capture. I just don't know if I want to invest too much time into a module/print css for now as I am hoping there will be a official solution soon...this is a vendor demo for a b2b site and this is the engine of choice until I be told they want to WYSIWYG print...dang it...


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