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The e-commerce.

tax issue


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WE currently dont have tax set up.


i have set up all zones etc but is there a way to update tax modual on current website as current issue is when i change to taxable goods it makes the prices all go up. is there a way to set it so all prices stay the same but show tax?




I have a product at £10 i set it to taxable goods (20%) and goes up to £12


I need it to add tax but still stay at £10


Any ideas?

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Don't forget to follow national law regarding price vs. price+tax listing. If law (or usual practice) is to list prices including tax, you want to at least make it clear that the price does not include tax ("plus tax"). If you're selling to places where you have to collect tax for some and not for others, that could get complicated, especially if you're required to list with tax in some places. I'm not sure how flexible osC is in this regard, and if you can list separately by tax zone. One idea might be to list both prices: "in UK", "outside of UK" if tax must be included in a price in the UK.


You just want to avoid getting into legal trouble by displaying "before tax" prices and not making it clear that it's "plus tax", if law or custom is to include the tax.

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Think my question is a abit hard to understand





product 1 currently shows £10 before i set up tax.



I set up tax at 20% and product has gone up to £12 etc but i should still say £10 and £8 pre tax...



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This is only a suggestion but you can make some changes directly in the database rather than on an individual product basis.


You will need to figure out how to make the tax_class_id match what you want it to, but as it will be on nearly every product that should not be too hard to just change a zero to a one, or what ever you need.


The other thing you have to do is to figure out how to cut the current products price from the database and add it into the price with tax column. Hopefully then it should auto fill the other price once you open the admin area, but I may be wrong. You may need to figure out how to do a sum on the price column to calculate the price without tax and enter that into the correct column.


I am sure that there is a database wizz somewhere either here or online that may help you, or in deed give you a pointer in the right direction.


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Hi Laurence

If you want the £10 product net of tax (as it is now) to become a £10 gross product (i.e. incl VAT) then the net price would not be £8 - it would be 10 /1.2 = 8.3333


To get your net values correct then you would need to run some sql on the database to do this and then apply your new VAT tax group id to all products

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