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Admin products description empty on v2.2 RC2


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Hello at all, i give you my present on this forum. Sorry but my english is not very good.


I have do a server change and new server has PHP 5.4.16. I have been repaired some errors but i have an error that i dont know how to repair, i have been test a lot of code changes that i have find google searching but nothing repair the error.


The problem is with admin/categories.php, when i edit a product its descriptions are empty but they have descriptions because they appear correctly out of admin console.


I have an language module instaled, i dont know if it is important to know to solve this problem.


Anybody can give me any idea to resolve it?.


Thank you very much.



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2.2 RC2 is a very old version of osC, and it won't run PHP 5.4 without many fixes, as you've found out. Is there some reason that you have decided not to install a fresh copy of osC 2.3.4 and migrate your existing store's data (database and images) to it? In the long run, it will be a lot easier than constantly trying to fix problems in a 2.2-based store on an up-to-date PHP. If you have your current store somewhat working, you can install 2.3.4 separately and play with a copy of your database to get it up and running, and see what add-ons and custom work you'll need.

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Some time around PHP 5.4 or 5.5, the default character set for various string functions changed to UTF-8. You may have had some existing Latin-1 accented characters in your text data, which blew up something. All the more reason to migrate to osC 2.3.4 (which is UTF-8 based).

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There is other problem now. Paypal module doesnt work, when you click in "pay now" on paypal web, there is a return to web shop giving "invalid token".


I think the better solution is return to PHP 5.3.10.

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While you remain at osC 2.2, returning to a lower PHP level may be your only option. However, use the reprieve to get osC 2.3.4 up and running, rather than continuing to invest time in trying to fix an old osC version.

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While you remain at osC 2.2, returning to a lower PHP level may be your only option. However, use the reprieve to get osC 2.3.4 up and running, rather than continuing to invest time in trying to fix an old osC version.


Yes, i think the same. Thank you very much. :)

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