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The e-commerce.

Re-build database?


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I have/had a clean install of OSC where I have made numerous customization changes to the look and feel.


I was making an attempt to sync the database to my business accounting software and made some mistakes


my primary mistake was not backing up.


Since I am populating the OSC database with data from elsewhere, it is no pain to delete the database and re-install it.


What is the easiest way to reinstall OSC without re-installing the files themselves (just the database structure)?

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Download the version of oscommerce that you are using from the oscommerce website. Open the files and if you look in the catalog/instal file you will finda file called oscommerce.sql, which is the sql file that creates the original database. Then using mysql or similar from your hosting panel you should be able to create a fresh new database back to original. If you have made any modifications to the database you will have to go through each addons files and add the sql needed.


You could also contact your hosts and see if they keep any daily backups of the database which they could reinstall.


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