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Whos Online


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I have spent half my day searching and please if anyone has any ideas or can help I would so greatly appreciate it.  I have os - and I just uploaded my new site today and although before going live these things were fine.  I now have two issues - 


1) When I go into my admin & go into my who's online (standard feature) - then I try to click on any of the number of people in my site I get nothing - I am not able to click or see any info for any of the guest(s) - the page itself will (as I see) refresh but nothing is clickable.


2) Also in my payment options I have PayPal Standard and had Cash on delivery - when these two options are enabled and you go through checkout you can see that you have the options to click one or the other & all works great - but if I disabled the COD option - I now will lose the ability to be able to click the PayPal function to checkout and the only way it will work is if I enable the COD option.




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"...then I try to click on any of the number of people in my site I get nothing..."...sounds like default behaviour. There's an enhancement addon for who is online, that may be helpful.




Edit: You may have a problem getting the API that this addon requires, so not sure if this addon still is useful, sorry.

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I will try and see if it works.... I just had a look and it looks a bit messy & wonky... I think I will hold out & wait, hopefully someone else might have another idea - but thank you anyways..

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Apart from the already available addons there is nothing else. What you see is standard behavior. You have not mentioned what you want to see on this page.


If you want it to do something that is currently not available you will have to either code it yourself or place your requirements in the paid for help area, and hope that someone can code it for you.


I use version 3.5.4 of the same addon already mentioned further up, and it seems to work fine and does not have some of the un-needed rubbish that was added in later versions. It is working fine on 2.3.1, but was altered slightly to fit with this particular version. It may need some extra modifications to work on the latest version.


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Hi Steve,


Oh, I wasn't aware of that - in that - that was the standard behavior for the who's online feature.  In my last 2.2 the standard worked like a gem straight out of the box & when you clicked on the guest you were able to click on them & then be able to see the contents of their basket etc...


Since the upgraded I can’t even get it to click into the guest I am clicking on - which is why I thought maybe it was a glitch or something simple I didn't set and or do in which was just an easy fix.  I was not really looking to have to do any add-ons as the standard was always sufficient and always worked well for me - thank you though for letting me know.


Kind Regards, Lexi

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Just to give an update - in case anyone else might have this same issue with their who's online in .. what I did was I went back into my old 2.2 files and I copied the old php file from admin / whos_online.php and replaced (please make sure that if you do this, you have saved the original just in case) it with that (and always make sure you backed up just in case).


When doing this you will notice that the menu on the left now looks a bit wonka - in order to fix that - all you have to do is go back into the admin/who's_online.php & remove lines #22 - #45 and replace it with the following below;


 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_top.php');

    <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


Click save & viola - it works awesome for now!!

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@@Lexi , there where important security enhancements to admin who's online around the update from 2.3.3 to


You can read more here http://library.oscommerce.com/Online&en&oscom_2_3&release_notes&v2_3_3_1


Although you cannot see what someone has in their cart unless they are logged into an account.. I would consider leaving it (I to had an issue with this when I upgraded a couple years ago... But got use to it).

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