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Header Buttons Not Live?


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Ive installed slideshow to my oscommerce 2.3.4 which works and looks a treat! 

However.......theres only the slightest mod to the header.php file but it seems to have made the buttons 'non live' (cart contents, checkout, my account) now and I cant seem to keep the slideshow and buttons working together? Any help please! the site is www.book.danceconnections.events

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You are at a very early stage in this site, so nuke it and start fresh with the Responsive osCommerce version. If that is a no-go, then uninstall the slideshow. If that makes the buttons work, then you know the problem is the slideshow - is it an addon? If yes, post at its support thread...

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so if I use this code to show the slideshow 

require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'slideshow.php');

The buttons are non live!

and if I use this code

<div id="content-slide" class="grid_24"><?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'slideshow.php'); ?></div>

The buttons are live but the whole slideshow is just slightly out of line??

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