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The e-commerce.

Google buy button in search engine formobile


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It will be soon in a  test like usual. We go more on compulsive buying.


http://tinyurl.com/prf9rdq==> french information


Good news or not, In reality I don't know.


Some button on  one page coul be a  problem.

Nice for website because the diversifaction of the revenue could be interesting

For all website and also little company ?

Advertise must be more expansive, the e-commerce terms is beetween 3-5 € per click, let imagine with this new function if the term is popular.


Twitter,facebook,google, choice of strategy is maybe interesting but in all case, the budget must explose for the company. 



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An english version for those who struggle with French...


Amazon, Facebook and more recently Twitter , they are now likely to propose a simplified purchasing system for box-based user entitled "Buy Now". A trend that should also follow Google soon, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Google would test thus already a "buy" button integrated directly on the Google Shopping comparison products. This is like Amazon to simplify the purchasing process and build on compulsive shopping to maximize revenue. The button and will place orders with one click, avoiding the user to fill in contact information, create an account on a merchant site or share again his bank details.

The Web giant would already close online sales sites to present their functionality, since Google does not want to invest directly into e-commerce, but offer a solution that will facilitate purchases, while taking a commission the passage on each transaction.

Now remains whether traders show interest in the system. They should keep their hands on the posted prices, and Google is committed to communicate the email addresses of each client.

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To be hornest, i never look at the advertisings on the right side of google.

As that is the place where the button go come.

The button wil not appear in the default search listings.( i just read the news about it in dutch :) )

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Thanks Dan, All themajor want their button buy  now. Twitter, google, facebook, and maybe soon instagramm or pinterest, why not. Bref, The compulsive buying is on the road. Is it efficient ?


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customers aren't idiots, they will not all instant click on these buttons.

Consider that not on each search you do, you choose the firsts ones coming up on the first page, so why would that be for a instant buy, especially not if clicking it means paying.

People always try to find cheaper, after it is a matter of time the midrange ecommerce stores will have such button in there listing as-well.

Or is such mind only reserved for the Dutch people?

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I think the reasoning is that if people search on mobile,

they are more likely to need it "right here, right now", so it is a matter of convenience,

capturing the moment when they are ready to spend.


and yes, the dutch do have a special mindset, it is asif they get a mental kick if they find "a deal", but sometimes the regular price elsewhere is cheaper already.


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


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Only time will tell how this works/sorts itself out. 


As @@wHiTeHaT points out not everyone looks at those ads (I don't even see them any more - I have tuned them out) and certainly everyone isn't going to hit the first button they see but what if there is some incentive to do so....a discount, free shipping, the ability to compare vendors etc.  What if clicking on any buy/shop button would take you to their shopping site where you select who you'll buy from based on whatever criteria is important to you?  


I'm also thinking that Google probably has some experience or has done some research in this area.  Could be nothing...could be pretty scary/helpful depending on your point of view.




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So, if Google lists your product, and someone buys it, you must pay an advertising (PPC) fee? Is this something you have to opt in (or opt out), or will it be part of normal search results? If you have to opt in, would that mean changes to your site? Or is this closer to a comparison shopping site scraper engine? I'm very confused as to what this new thing is supposed to be.


As for shoppers clicking "Buy Now" on the first thing they see, I'm sure there are plenty of those around. Now SEO is going to become even more fierce, with rabid competition to be the first result, and all the cheating and unethical things that will go with that. As for mobile users needing it "right now", the merchandise still needs to be shipped to an address. Is a Google drone going to drop the package through my car's sunroof as I drive down the highway? Is it going to locate me on the beach and drop off bottles of sunblock and tequila? I think this thing is meant to encourage impulse buying, and it will eventually get a bad reputation and go away.


One concern the article raised was building customer loyalty, so they'll come back to you. That could be dealt with by box and packing slip prominently advertising your site.

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@@MrPhil as long as you keep your mobile on, and allow tracking, you should be able to lift the package from the drone, just like when you were little and riding on the merry-go-round, reaching for the thing in the air to get another free ride (w00t)


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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So, if Google lists your product, and someone buys it, you must pay an advertising (PPC) fee? Is this something you have to opt in (or opt out), or will it be part of normal search results? If you have to opt in, would that mean changes to your site? Or is this closer to a comparison shopping site scraper engine? I'm very confused as to what this new thing is supposed to be.


This is currently only for selected/invited vendors and they pay per click regardless if the sale is completed or not.

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